This information is authorized for review by qualified Nile Equity Group, LLC clients and investors who still need to complete the Investor Suitability Form to be qualified and accepted as an accredited investor.
An accredited investor is a person who had individual income in excess of $200,000/yr. (or $300,000/yr. joint income with that person’s spouse) in each of the two most recent years, or a net worth that exceeds $1,000,000 disregarding any positive equity in their personal residence. In many cases, a sophisticated investor is a person with previous real estate investing experience and good knowledge of this type of investment.
This material does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to purchase securities. This informational brochure has been prepared to only provide an example of information to prospective investors. An offer can only be made by the private placement memorandum. This document is an informational summary and is authorized for use only by prospective investors which have an existing relationship with member(s) of Nile Equity Group, LLC. In order to make an investment the individual still needs to be accepted and qualified as a sophisticated or accredited investor by virtue of their experience and financial circumstance. Before any information is shared on a specific investment, the potential investor will need to fill out the Investor Suitability Form in the back of this brochure and submit it to Nile Equity Group, LLC for approval of suitability.
The information contained in the following investment model is proprietary and confidential. It is intended to be reviewed only by the party receiving it from Nile Equity Group, LLC and should not be made available to any other person or entity without the consent of Nile Equity Group, LLC.
The information contained herein is not a substitute for a thorough due diligence investigation. Nile Equity Group, LLC is not making any income claims or guarantees on returns with the illustrations used in this business plan. This literature is intended for educational purposes only. For accredited investors only.