• We leverage our network of brokers and consistently prospect in order to locate value add opportunities.
  • We identify assets that fit our investment criteria.
  • We submit a compelling offer & negotiate terms.
  • Once under contract, we begin our extensive due diligence process.
  • Due diligence materials are scrutinized and the financials are stress tested.
  • Nile Equity Group provides the bank loan for the group, while the investors secures the down payment and up front expenses.
  • Post purchase, we manage the asset, execute our renovation, value add and leasing plans.
  • We identify areas to immediately increase income, while also decreasing our expenses.
  • Nile Equity pays the mortgage and general operating expenses for the property. The positive cash flow is shared amongst the owners quarterly or semi annually.
  • At 85-90%+ occupancy, we consider refinancing to pay back our investors and ourselves. We determine the market peak when considering the sale.
  • Reinvest the proceeds into another project.